Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1 month reflection

So, I realised I have reached my first month here in Bangkok....time is flying! So, I wanted to stop and write down some thoughts of my first month here, because I realise I'm always writing about how good everything is, but sometimes its not so good, and I think it's important to recognise these things as well, because some of these things make the experience here too....don't you think? Well anyway....some things I've learnt about life in Thailand since arriving here....

i) The weather is hot

ii) I will always look like a have run a marathon by the time I arrive at uni, so there is no point trying to make myself look decent in the morning before going to school

iii) I don't have to stick my arm out the window to know what the weather will be like for the day, I don't have to even look out the fact, I don't have to even wake up to know that it's gonna be hot....the only question is...will it the moment don't even have to wake up to answer this question in the affirmative either!

iv) There is always a food store around every corner, anywhere, and it will be open all night too

v) The meaning of healthy eating is lost here....the only thing that matters is whether the food tastes asking for no salt, no added sugar, no msg, and no pork fat is will only lead to confused looks and comments about being a crazy foreigner, how could they possibly want to eat that....that will taste so incredibly undelicious!!

vi) Don't ever bother or worry about being on time....even important things which would attract large fines and the sacrificing of first born children for lateness back home will not be a problem if submitted late. In fact, even in exams, arriving 15 minutes late is no problem at old people with rulers who lock the door at 15 minutes past in this country. Oh, and 2 hrs late is still well within that time frame of being late that does not yet require a polite text message to your waiting friend to inform them that you will be "a little bit late".

vii) when walking anywhere, one needs to keep a close eye out so as not to trip over bags of garbage, stray animals, sleeping people, food vendors, and pot-holes.

viii) You will never get from A to B on a Bangkok road by any means of transport without being stuck in a traffic jam, and without having a t least 3 near miss serious accidents along the way

ix) The mai pen rai attitude can be really calming....this "everything will be ok" attitude avoids a lot of unnecessary tension...BUT, sometimes it can be the most frustrating thing ever.....sometimes things are NOT mai pen I invented my own phrase....MAI mai pen rai....."NOT no problems"!!

x) The wai is a really nice way of greeting people.

Some of the things I love about Bangkok:

i) Food....khanom, rice, juices, pork...everything it is so so good!

ii) No matter what time of the day there is always something to do and more importantly, something to eat

iii) Wearing the Thammasat Uniform....instant respect and discounts all round!

iv) There are so many more, but I have written about all these things so much in my previous posts!!!! Hooray for food and wonderful Bangkok living!!!!:D:D:D:D

But, here are some things I find difficult:

i) Buses...where do they go? Why doesn't the ticket seller know where their bus is going? They must all be under the belief that their bus doesn;t actually stop, because most people have to fight with the conductor to convince them that this bus does actually stop where they want to get off....not just me, even Thai people have this problem!

ii) Wearing the Thammasat uniform...why should I be treated like the greatest person in the history of the world just because I go to Thammasat?? It's nice, but at the same time, why is a person valued based on which school they attend?

iii) Why are Thais so scared of farang???.....fighting over who doesn't have to sit next to the me, can be quite demoralising and is not the nicest feeling to know that people would rather stand with bags and everything than take a seat next to you

iv) Poverty.....really, exchange students have a nice lifestyle here, and sometimes it is easy to forget that this lifestyle is not enjoyed by is hard to walk down the streets and see so many people begging for money while you're out enjoying dinner and movies, and dessert, and drinks, and then take a taxi home because you just can't be bothered to deal with the crowded, non A/C bus.....but then again, avoiding enjoying your Saturday nights as a result will not solve the problem, nor will it even help it.....but it is something which I don't feel entirely comfortable about still

v) Language....of course!! But hopefully this difficulty is going to keep going away!!!!

Also, stray animals here....I hate stray animals coz Im certain that they will end up biting me and giving me rabies or I try to avoid them at all costs....but I still think they should be treated no one should be cruel to them, and if they have a few spare food scraps how about throwing them to the poor dogs......but the other day while we were waiting to start our hike on camp, a man drove a motorbike past us and all of a sudden threw an axe at a poor dog standing nearby....the dog did nothing, the man just felt the need to hurt this poor dog. I've never heard a dog yelp like this dog did.....makes me sad just thinking of that poor dog and the pain he must have been in.

And finally, I have to say, whilst living in Bangkok has opened my eyes to some amazing things, it has also opened my eyes to some parts of life which I wish didn't have to exist but unfortunately do. Like the other night I took a taxi home and asked the driver to stop at the Taling Chan police station because it's right near my dorm and taxi drivers all know it but no one knows my dorm, so it's just easier to get out there and walk 5 minutes. Anyways, pulling up at the police station and just as Im about to get out, I notice a poor man lying lifeless on the road.....I think he was knocked off his motorbike....and the police were out dealing with it when we pulled up. I dont know what to think of that whole incident, maybe I just think to spare a thought for his family now.

Anyways, to end this post, let's think of something good!

So far.....
i) Best thing I've done- Queen's birthdya weekend, being late to the fireworks and then going to Chinatown for noodles and toasted bread with thai custard

ii) Best place I've been- Lung Jar's many happy times there!

iii) Favourite food- khaow kha muu sai khai (pork leg with rice and an egg)

In store for the month to study Thai, hopefully go to the beach again, go and start crossing off the 100 eating secrets in Bangkok list which I found on the website....of upmost importance is the search for mooncake flavoured icecream which is only sold at 1 haagen daz outlet in Bangkok from now until mid-October....clock is ticking I've gotta get onto this!!! Ok, on that happy thought, my month's reflections are done there.....let's all go out and find mooncake flavoured icecream!! aroy mak mak mak mak mak maaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!! At least I hope so!

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