Sunday, September 6, 2009

Indian at 11pm and the world's greatest chocolate frappe

Right, so, another busy week or so to update on. So, Wednesday involves my first Thai exam, and the traffic is the worst I've ever seen it. It was so jammed, the traffic was pulled up at my bus stop.....that has never happened! So, spend the entire trip willing all the yai and other slow movers to get on he number 511 infron of us so that we don't get held up further....of course all yai in the vicinity decide just as we are about to pull out to avoid the next jam that actually they would like to get on this bus, slowing us down even further.....yai.......hmph.

Anyways, make it with 10 minutes to spare....5 to eat chicken rice, and 5 to arrive early for the exam....which everyone arrived about 15 minutes late anyway, ok, so note to self, thai exams run on thai time too. Exam remarkably easy....if you don't know the answer the teacher announces that we should just put our hand up and ask for the answer.....ok.....good, yes, this is meant to be the top university in the country, and their exam methods are just a shining example for all to follow.

After came practice hour which today involves the entire class going to the cafeteria. I decided to go to the small cafeteria, and this decision paid dividends. The selection of food is different and arguably better. I had fried chicken with an egg on rice. Then, I got some dessert- sticky rice with coconut milk and thai custard. Upon finishing lunch I decided to nap in the library for 20 minutes. About 3 hours later I woke up and decided to take the bus home. Ran into Lung Jar who looked mighty distressed that I hadn't come to eat for about 5 days and was wondering if I no longer found his food prove my loyalty I went down for a plate of phad thai on my way out to dinner, which was a good move because dinner came at 11pm! Yes, it was Sarah and Dan's birthdays today, so exchange students went to Bombay Blues near Thammasat for dinner at 8. After getting remarkably lost, I ran into Kate and then rang Brooke who managed to direct us successfully there. Bombay Blues really cool! You have to take your shoes off and you sit on the ground with cushions and it is all very cool atmospehere. There were so many farang and we had the entire balcony which was so nice to look out over the road in the fresh (fresh by BKK standards so not very fresh really) air. But, the number meant the restaurant struggled to get the food out on time and 3 hours later it came! So I put eating at 11pm down to a cultural experience. But, thankfully they did provide free use of connect four and jenga to keep us all amused, both of which I have no talent in......oh well, how could I concentrate when the prospect of pratha coming supposedly soon was there???? So, the food was fantastic! Well worth the wait! I will be back to try it again:D

Thursday was class all day and nothing much exciting to report except that Kenny and Austin and I found an awesome curry restaurant at Tha Prachan, and the chocolate frappes from the campus coffee shop and remarkably good and kept my spirits up during the final hour of Society and Culture. Quick stop at Central on my way home and dinner at Lung Jars- khaow pad, and it was a huge serving.....5 thumbs up!

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