Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Red shirts at it again

Okkkkk, so today was rediculously hot, and I was thinking what good luck I was having as I managed to get hte 507 to uni which has air con! BUT, we get over the bridge, and what do we see....red shirts everywhere....they have blocked off the entire area around Thammasat and are having a mass demonstration....again. Great, this means the bus cant stop anywhere near Thammasat and I am forced to walk about 5 blocks to get to the Grand Palace alone. Tried to take a taxi, but of course, no taxi drvier would take me, in fact one guy even drove off at a speed when I asked him to take me to Thammasat! At the Grand Palace, the police wouldn't let people get through to Thammasat, but luckily I used my best Thai to tell him I had to go to study today and I needed to get to Thammasat, and the nice police officer directed me to get to Thammasat. Police at demonstrations are very helpful in this country.....Thammasat International Office maybe you should take note and attend their training days.....how to help foreigners studying at Thammasat....novel concept I know, but maybe you should try it sometime! So, after getting caught in a bunch of red shirts and a police officer again helping me out of there and giving me new directions, I eventually made it to class dripping with sweat and dashed for safety inside the uni gates! Damn red shirts I hope you know you made me lose my lunch hour and I am tres unhappy! BUT, I did arrive with 10 minutes to spare, so an executive decision saw me use 5 minutes to eat a plate of chicken rice, 1 minute to run to the classroom building, 3 minutes to wask my face and try stop sweating a bit, and 1 minute to sit down before the teacher arrived to class! Wow, what an entrance to uni that day!

Other than that it was an uneventful day....got my 5 forrests worth of photo copies for Ethnic Groups course...after being sent to 4 different copy centres on campus...again international office....where were you on that one! Met some nice people too whilst waiting for my 5 forrests of paper too!

Today was less eventful getting to uni thank goodness! Started by going to Victory Monument to eat noodles. This area sell old style noodles where they come in super super small serves, so you see these piles and piles of bowls stacked high at everyone's tables! You don't get much choice though, just if you want small or big noodles, and pork or beef. I had pork with big noodles.
So amazingly good. 7 bowls later, I was full!

Here is a picture of Victory Monument, just to try to make it look like I went there for something other than just eating!! Hahahaha....like anyone would believe me anyway!!

Got to class...ethnic groups is so interesting, but so painful at the same time...it is highly anthropological.....I think that explains it.....Nicole there isn't even any land dayaks in Thailand to amuse me with all day though:( And to my knowledge, the concept of rotting yams is yet to catch on in Thai villages yet.......
Adding to my dissapointment of ethnic groups class which did not involve any yams or rice classification whatsover was my expedition to buy Thai style garlic bread after class. Sine had kindly recommended it to me and I thought I had found the shop.....but what I managed to get was sugared butter bread.....not at all what I was looking for! Oh well....my search for it continues. Met James later for some Thai practice, and then we had dinner at Lung Jars...had kapaow kai khai jiaow again....as always was great!

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